Benchmark Management Consulting Limited

Benchmark Management Consulting Limited provides consultancy and research services to the healthcare sector. They are also the support team for the Benchmarking Network: the in-house benchmarking service of the NHS.

Benchmark required a full redesign of their website, including a refresh of their brand image, which had not been revised for over a decade.


The brand needed to look modern, whilst maintaining a familiarity with the original logo. I tried a number of combinations of "arrows" before settling on the above: three arrows directed towards a single point.

New BMC Mark

New BMC Mark

New BMC Logo

New BMC Logo


The typography and layout of the new logo borrowed from the original design to maintain a consistency, but with an updated font ("Tinos") and colours; the orange and blue modernising the gold and blue of the original.


The brief for the new website was: clean, modern and clear.

The new BMC home-page design. Click here to see it live.

The new BMC home-page design. Click here to see it live.


The website was designed and built in Squarespace, enabling the client to adapt the content easily in the future. This also means that the site is responsive and secure, thanks to Squarespace's partnership with Let's Encrypt.

I built the site around the refreshed logo, with a consistent colour palette, simple site structure, and plenty of "space". Whilst this is a content-heavy site—due to the nature of Benchmark's business—the wording is given space at all screen sizes, with a larger font, line spacing and padding.

The new website is fully responsive: desktop, tablet and smartphone.

The new website is fully responsive: desktop, tablet and smartphone.


Following completion of the website, I trained three BMC staff in the use of the Squarespace CMS, enabling them to independently update the website with content going forward.